Méfiez-vous du chien
J'étais encore à moitié accroupi et j'ai paré l'attaque de mon bras droit. Le chien a mordu et m'a tenu au niveau du poignet droit... Tout en me redressant, je ressentais une vive douleur au poignet, comme s'il était pris dans un étau que l'on continue de serrer.
Myron Cybriwski’s Legacy
“No family should ever have to grieve knowing that their loved one died alone waiting for help that never came.. He was not well enough to call anyone else for help or to get to the hospital himself. He was told help was on the way, and it came too late...
Response delays - East Broughton zone - Québec - 17 March 2023
This post is bilingual. Ce poste est bilingue.
Last night, there was a call to 9-1-1 from the Tring-Jonction area.
Combien de temps supplémentaires c'est trop ?
This post is only available in french.
J'avais entendu des histoires des paramédics travaillant trois quarts de travail
If only we cared about paramedics as much as we cared about....
La version française succède à l'anglais.
Back on the very first day of The Last Ambulance project, I
The essential myth
"I don’t know of any other states that use the word “essential,” but the EMS community keeps pushing for that word, even though, in my opinion, it is meaningless without funding and service level requirements....
Interview with Anthony Almojera
Everything you see on TV is a firefighter. You always see, and I've had this argument with photographers for newspapers, you always see when the firefighters are running with the kid, but they never take the photo of who they're handing the kid over to -- there's never a hand-off picture. Ever...
Code 99, Code Blue or just Code. Shorthand for cardiac arrest. An absence of life signs. No respirations. No pulse. Seldom as simple or as clean as the previous description. Often comes as a surprise to both the patient and the other people at the scene...